23 Mar The Naked Man Behind the Mask
Happy Nude Year
I never would have thought that a crazy and creepy event that happened at our home on New Year’s Eve of 2015 would lead to so much attention across our neighborhood, city and then even across the U.S. and the World.
Just this past summer, I was contacted by a producer from Investigation Discovery of The Discovery Channel about the incident that happened at our home that NYE. They were working on a new series called “Caught on Camera” and wanted to interview me about this event and also include the ADT security camera footage that I posted from that evening.
Here’s what happened NYE of 2015
My husband, Bart, and I had an early dinner and headed home. Since our female dog, Sweet Pea, is really afraid of fireworks and thunder, we decided to be home early with her and our other two dogs and have the TVs on to drown out the sound of the loud fireworks that people were shooting in our neighborhood.
Bart watched a football game in our family room located at the back of our house. I watched a movie in our master bedroom with all three of our dogs with me. The sound on the TV in our bedroom was pretty loud so Sweet Pea couldn’t hear fireworks that people were shooting in our neighborhood. Since our master bedroom was on the opposite side of the house and the sound on the TV was loud, all three of our dogs didn’t hear the guy approaching our back breezeway door. Usually our dogs would bark and alert us with anyone approaching our house and opening our breezeway gate.
Around 10:50pm, a guy with nothing on but a presidential Ronald Reagan mask and a sock on his private part crept up to our back gate to our breezeway that led to our back door.
The masked, naked guy knelt down, opened the breezeway gate and crept in. We had a lot of windows at our house and this guy began to stand up in our breezeway by our back door and look through the windows into our home.
My husband had gotten up to go down a few steps to our kitchen and then when he walked back up the few steps to our family room, he saw something in the corner of his eye through the windows in our gated breezeway area. He realized quickly he saw a naked man wearing a presidential mask.
When Bart saw the guy in the breezeway, the naked guy immediately turned around and went back out through the gate and ran up the street. Bart opened the door and tried to run after him, but the guy got away.
Bart ran back inside and down the hallway to the master bedroom yelling. He told me what happened and I didn’t believe him because I thought Bart was trying to joke around. When Bart called the police, I played back our ADT security footage, watched it on the security monitor and realized Bart was not joking.
I grabbed my phone to video the recorded the clip from our security camera system. When the police arrived, we played back our ADT security footage. Police said they would monitor our neighborhood. I was worried that this guy was going to continue going to other homes in our neighborhood.
Was the naked guy going to knock on the door or try to come in our home?
We still don’t know what action he was going to take next that night if Bart had not seen him in through the window. Since it was New Year’s Eve, we thought it definitely could’ve been just a prank, but it also could’ve been someone on drugs or had too much to drink and done harm to us. I took the video clip from my phone and posted it to our neighborhood Facebook pages to warn others near us to be aware and be on the lookout at their homes.
I also posted the footage to my public Facebook page and my Instagram. The next day I saw where many had shared the post. The video clip began going viral and shared all over our area, our city and then also across the U.S. and the World. It was on our local news stations throughout the next few days.
Huffington Post Article, Click HERE
Two different men came by our home over the next couple days after this happened and said a guy had been arrested in our neighborhood recently doing just this – unclothed and looking in people’s windows. They said that the man had been released but had a court date coming up and even showed me papers of his court date. My thoughts of this being just a prank ended and began to think this was more serious.
About 4 days after this happened, someone in our neighborhood came by and told us he knew who it was and it was a guy his son had over for a party and that the group of guys were just pulling a prank. That guy wanted to come by to apologize the next day and he did. We accepted the apology and did not press any charges or release his name. I was scared for this guy because a gun could have been easily involved at any of the homes in our neighborhood and he could have gotten seriously hurt.
Global News Article, Click HERE
As I was writing this, I was surprised to see that this viral video is still making some news online as one of the creepiest or weirdest crimes! Click HERE
I haven’t thought much about this event on NYE until Investigation Discovery contacted me about the viral video this past summer. What was a creepy and scary evening thankfully turned out to be nothing serious and only a prank. I am thankful nothing bad happened to our family that night or to the guy that did this.
Click on the Investigation Discovery Episode Below:
Investigation Discovery | Facebook Preview Clip: “The Naked Man Behind the Mask” (begins at 2:15)
Original Video Clip from our Security Footage below: